TLDR - Remove region boundaries and just allow players to choose ping and belt / bp ranges with a preference to lower ping and chosen options. I know a few other video games do this to account for the unfavourability of certain roles. The idea is to have an option (enabled by default depending on popularity) that will put you with players of different belts or regions after first using your typical queue settings. So, if I am in the US East and queueing for black belts only, after some time waiting for other US East black belts to be found, matchmaking will then expand the pool to include either other nearby regions black belts and or US East red belts, and so on. The goal is to reduce the number of active players looking for a match who just happen to not have the proper queue settings that match up. This way, players who are okay with potentially playing in another region or belt level can find matches while still giving good favorability to their preferred settings giving the best of both worlds. I think a lot of new players run into an issue where many upper-level belts frequently use the black belt-only queue, so newer players tend to have much longer queue times than once they hit black belt. This also applies to less popular regions, where players often have to seek out other regions to play in. It could also be supplemented with a range slider that allows players to customize their range boundaries. For example, if you play in USE and are okay with playing within regions that have +50 ping but not +200 ping, or +-10k bp again this only applies after the preferred settings don't find a match for some time.