Stomping Cube Makes it Float
When spawning a cube, if timed correctly, it is possible to have it glitch into the air about a foot by stomping as it comes up. The timing seems to be at the moment when the bottom edge of the cube would be arriving at the ground. My assumption is that the stomp is taking effect while the cube is still rising but after it can't be pushed back into the ground, causing it to lift further.
The cube, once lifted in this way, is in a strange semi-grounded un-modifiable state. It will self-destruct after 5-7 seconds, unless parried which causes it to become a grounded floating cube that will unground (and therefore fall) as soon as any modifier other than telekinesis is applied. It can be parried twice to return it to a normal cube.
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K Beugels - Lead Programmer
This issue has been resolved and will be included in the next patch!
K Beugels - Lead Programmer
Interesting issue, thanks for reporting, and thanks for the detailed description that really helps tracking it down!