Indestructible Wall (No Damage Checks)
(Time Stamp Links available in video summary)
(For Devs: I have pulled my player.log aside if you would like it)
0:01 First Wall Spawned with me as Host(Indestructible) (Clips another walls corner)
0:50 First Wall that was spawned interacts without us catching on
.(Moving Grounded Ball stops against the Ungrounded Wall)
.(Moving Wall hits Grounded Cube)
.(uninteracted with after that)(despawned at end of round)
4:10 Starting of known Indestructible Wall (1st Wall Spawned with me as host)
5:15 Wall breaks when client trying to Trampoline
5:28 Explanation and showing of Indestructibleness
4:42 Indestructible Wall with Flight!!!
(Time Stamp Links available in video summary)
Video 2 is more of us testing the Indestructible Wall, Icy Glitch, and bug testing.
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Possible Lead, According to UnityExplorer on an Invulnerable wall, lastCollisionTimestamp never updated when hitting other structures!
Same bug has happened to Jack and me two days in a row. I have player log files saved from both days
P.S. It happens to cubes for us more often, but I'm pretty sure it can affect any structure.
Discord Link for this capture.