Visual-only glitch where an object might seem to exist between rounds. The objects have no collision in my experience and may also be sticking out of the ground.
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In my experience the most consistent way to create ghost structures is though the iron boots of the host. Even though the structure has no collision with other structures once it's a ghost it will still collide with your hands (the structure wont move, but your hands will go cracy trying to jam themself into the spot occupied by the structure) and you can even destroy them with your own iron boots to remove the ghost.
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
Could it be the Shift Stones sticking out of the ground? That one is bothering us quite a while already.
Do you have any reproduction steps for us so we can chase this bug?
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead) It's only happened once, i was client and it was a ball, definetily not a shiftstone. The ball probably did exist at one point. Sorry I can't really help with reproducing it.
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
Cod: That's a shame. Maybe we'll also encounter it once upon a day.
Well, thanks anyway! 😄 I'll leave the issue open for other players who might encounter this and do have some repro-steps.
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead) Sadly that's a different bug. When a match is intense and someone loses as they start spawning an object, the object remains sticking partly out of the ground (still spawning so no modifying)
Here is an example of a Ghost Object from a previous round. It can also stay higher than this. I spawned a cube without it being affected on the area still.
Here's an example too. The Host spawned that wall as the Client was damaged to 0 hp. The wall was Mid Spawn when Match Ended. It was Modifiable the Next round it was Modifiable.